Dec 21, 2020
Stories are integral to our humanity and a powerful tool in many industries. Learn how to facilitate a project that builds a safe community through storytelling, while also building students’ writing and digital literacy skills.
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Dec 7, 2020
Media plays a critical role in how we make sense of ourselves, others, and the world around us. On the episode, I reconnect with one of my favorite professors to unpack the concept of social justice education before we look at ways we can disrupt privilege by incorporating media into the classroom.
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Nov 23, 2020
When we are responsible for the learning and growth of others, we know that feedback is our greatest ally. However, the challenging thing about feedback is it needs to land with the learner to motivate them to take the next steps.
In this solo episode, I share what I’ve learned about how to deliver feedback in a way...
Nov 9, 2020
Assessment has the potential to either amplify or inhibit learning. On the episode, we dig into how to assess to cultivate deeper learning and develop the competencies students will need for the 21st century.
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Oct 26, 2020
Conflict is inevitable in education, but luckily it is also an opportunity to build more meaningful connections with those work with. Learn practical strategies from a Human Resources specialist that allow you to seek to understand when things get tense.
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