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Mar 7, 2022

Going gradeless is one of those terms that generates excitement or dread, depending on your interpretation. It’s a scary notion as a teacher to just take a chance and dive in. Charlotte Nixon, a seasoned teacher and playwright, has done just that. On this episode Charlotte explores with us the lessons she learned going gradeless in her High School English class.

Show Notes:

Charlotte's teaching style. (2:41)

The project's inspirations. (3:15)

The structure of the unit. (3:30)

Students unpacking the outcomes to determine their grades. (5:13)

The role of the outcomes. (8:30)

Student’s reactions to going gradeless. (10:22)

Benefits seen in the students. (16:00)

Summarizing the experience. (18:00)

What does reporting look like? (19:53)

Final takeaways. (23:02)


Charlotte on Instagram: @C.jnixon

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