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Nov 28, 2022

This week on #Educrush I chat with Drama Teacher Arlene Orchard and Dance Instructor and Teacher Hayley Jonason as we continue our look into how electives and options courses lead students to build confidence and belonging in the classroom. 

Arlene on Instagram: @ArleneOrchard_Writer

Alex on Twitter: @MrAlexNoel


Nov 21, 2022

A story about the permission, vulnerability and challenge inherent in creating an interdisciplinary middle school program. Preston Hickert is a teacher from Kansas City and he joins Natalie to share his story of “playing the mud” to learn with his students.

Show Notes:

  • Despite originally pursuing journalism and...

Nov 14, 2022

On this episode of #Educrush we talk with Adam Mailman, a teacher, conductor, and musician who sees the potential for the music classroom to allow student to explore their limits. We explore some of the experiences and strategies that students undergo in the band room and how that can potentially apply to other spaces...

Nov 7, 2022

The field of psychology offers important perspectives on topics integral to education, especially engagement, agency and learning. Teacher, author, and psychologist Don Berg joins Natalie to unpack the concept of agentic engagement and to explain what joy has to do with equity and deeper learning.

Show Notes:

  • Two...